This page has moved to a new address.

the path less traveled market

the path less traveled market: January 2013


New Location

Well, it's happened! We've moved the blog to the new location on our site! Head over for recent post and fun stuff :)




weekly shop update

How have you been? Wonderful, I hope :)

Things around here have been wonderful, exhausting, exciting, busy, sometimes overwhelming (okay, overwhelming more often than I'd like to think), but wonder-ful.

 With scenes like this, how could it not be? :)
Olivia just turned 6 weeks old {where did those weeks go?} and has begun to laugh a bit. Little things like a baby's laugh can really brighten your day when you're covered in said baby's spit-up. :) And the other two are still completely smitten with her!

 But this post is supposed to be a shop update, not a baby update {but baby updates are a bit cuter and sweeter, yes?} :)
 So .... did you see on the facebook page that I've put the silhouettes back in the shop? If you were wanting one (or more!) and didn't get it before I discontinued them, contact me and we can talk about it.
As long as I'm talking about the facebook page, have you been seeing my updates in your feed? Chances are, with the changes facebook has been making, you might not ... so, if you'd like to change that {you would, right? :)}, after you "like" the page, hover over what is now the “liked” button, and select “Get in news feed.” That way you'll be able to see when I post new things like coupons{!}, flash sales{!}, or random photos of a cute little baby. :)

 screen shot of the work in progress

Next up - our brand new web site {coming soon to a computer/mobile screen near you!}!
My sister {who is really gifted when it comes to tech-y things} has been helping us put together our own web site. It should be ready to go live in another day or two, and I'll let you know when it does. It will be an integrated shop/blog, a site that has all of our web stuff on it {even Instagram pics :)}. We are working to make sure that when you head here to the blog, you are automatically re-directed to the new location, making the transition as seamless as possible. Oh my, I'm so excited!

There are some other things I was going to tell you, too ..... but I can't remember right now. Oh well, they can wait until next week. :)


p.s. can you believe it's just a month until Valentine's Day? I'd better start helping the kiddos make their cards and gifts for the grandparents {things like that can take a while when they are more interested in cutting up the finished products than in the idea of giving them away}!

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welcome 2013

top 12 memories from 2012 (in no particular order):
- finding out that we were pregnant - and telling John :)
- introducing our little ones to the Pacific
- taking them to Disneyworld and seeing their wonder
- having some of my things featured in print!
- celebrating our children's birthdays and celebrating John's 30th
- preparing for Baby
- enjoying a home {and yard!} of our own
- the day I realized we had surpassed the goals we had for the shop this year {still so amazed}
- making friendships with women in my MOPS group and Bible study
- seeing Em and Ian learn to love Jesus
- welcoming Olivia into the world
- watching John, Emma Grace and Ian absolutely adore her {so heart-meltingly adorable!}

13 goals for 2013 (again, in no particular order):
- make date nights happen {and not just talk about making them happen}
- blog on a schedule
- work on improving my product photography {& while I'm at it, my child photography, too}
- finish strong in MOPS and Bible study
- get someone started on "school", someone potty trained, & someone sleeping through the night :)
- be a consistent discipler of our little ones
- cull my fabric collection, only keeping what I'll {realistically} use
- ditto for the rest of my craft supplies
- plant more perennials
- get back into pre-baby shape
- listen to {& heed} the Spirit's direction for the shop, including launching our own website {!}
- seek God's {& heed} direction for our family
- continue to learn to put God first in my time, my day, our finances, and in every way

inspired by this post

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